Friday, June 8, 2012

That Guy.

My tendency to look at others and size them up according to the simplest things is something I need to work on.  As much as we should  not pre-judge, we all do it anyway. If someone has on the wrong shoes, the wrong haircut, a stain on their shirt or whatever it may be – they are immediately categorized and filed into whatever compartment our little minds choose.  Such was my assumption with that guy.

I had no idea who this guy was, only I had seen him around town and something about him seemed odd.  The way he walked and his footwear was what first got my attention.  This guy is a gringo.  He walks very stout, with his chest puffed out and arms swaying sluggishly at his side.  That alone is no crime, but no one can take a bad-ass seriously when gazing at his feet you see he is wearing cheap flip flops.  Who wears flip-flops on a daily basis on rough streets like these?  Perhaps he takes the ‘easy livin’ creed a bit too serious.

Recognizing that walk, and the stiff puffy posture, I had been able to start spotting this guy all around town.  Once on my radar, I began to notice the rest of his attire.  Camouflage knee length shorts.  This is another faux-pas here.  We are not hiding in a jungle, and to the best of my knowledge there is no urban warfare going on.  Anyway, those shorts are null and void when paired with flip-flops.  No one is ready for full on ass kicking wearing flip-flops and knee length shorts.  Wait-there is more, the Rambo style headband he always has on too.  To me, he gives us gringos a bad name.  He looks like he’s lost and somewhat of a clown.  Mind you, I have not even gotten to the big, biker sized sideburns he sports…

I see him in the ice cream shop, outside on the street talking to girls, walking ever so proudly through the main square.  That guy is everywhere!

It was only by chance that I actually found out about that guy while sitting at our neighbor’s house.  Her daughter was spilling the beans on a resident New York hipster who was thrilled to be at a naked acid party when she referenced this weird guy who hits on every girl he sees.  More to the point, she had just been hanging out with this weird guy a few nights before and after he was striking out with every single girl that crossed his path, he turned and hit on her.  She asked why he would do such a thing, and he simply replied that it was a game of odds.  If he asks 100 girls, at least one will say yes.  Our neighbor’s daughter said she told him that even though this is Mexico, asking a total stranger on the street for a date can only get you a firm “No” and cement your reputation as a freak.  I was quite happy with this, because I knew nothing about that guy except my perception already sensed he was a bit wobbly.  Of course, he could be getting constantly turned down by his daily uniform, knee length camouflage shorts, headband and flip-flops are not typically things that get women hot.

After the mother and daughter discuss the antics from a few nights earlier, the mom starts to tell how she met the strange fella.  They were in the bank, waiting for hours (as you do in Mexico) and thus struck up a conversation.  It turns out that though that guy is a bit weird, he is a real sweetie according to the mom…and the dad, as a matter of fact.  He actually has carried groceries for the mom, replaced the dad’s beer after he helped himself to a little too many of the brand new case that was just purchased.  He is also somewhat of a gentleman, walking home the daughter and others when a woman should not be alone.  It appears he has some admirable traits.  The mom gives us the brief lowdown on the guy I have been seeing around town.

Turns out he is an Iraq war veteran.  According to the story he told the mother, he did his turn of duty, saw some things he wasn’t supposed to see and went through some traumatic situations (no doubt about that).  He is on meds, but the daughter says that he confessed he doesn’t want to take them, and frequently skips his dosage.  The guy showed up in Mexico via bus.  He had his duffle bag and flip-flops, and why he chose here, only he knows.

Leaving the States he took the bus over the border and in to Guadalajara.  The bus ride allowed some of the passengers to size him up.  After the long and grueling bus ride, he was totally unaware of the snare laid waiting for him when the bus stopped.  Getting off the bus and passing through a few customs agents, he was accosted by two guards with baseball bats.  It was not a pretty sight.  They beat him up real good, and only the nearby crowd stifled the beating.  The two assailants fled and left him bleeding and beaten on the bus station floor.  The cops came and as he got himself together, he was determined to press charges on the two assailants; after all, there was a crowd of people who witnessed the beating and he was sure justice would be served.

The cops took him to the station and began the lengthy chore of Mexican paperwork.  (Mind you, this is Mexico so filing a report is probably a waste of time because the cops won’t do anything anyway).  There was a mole in the midst, because as the guy is filing his complaint and charges, the father of one of the assailants shows up with cash in hand.  He tries to buy the guy off and get him to drop the charges.  According to the tale as it was told to me, the guy was confused as to why this was happening in a police station.  He insisted on the charges staying in place and wanted the assailants arrested.  He denied the money from the father and sent him on his way.  He was battered and tired, and this process was taking way too long.  Finally, after all was said and done, the police returned that guy back to the scene of the crime, the bus station.

Imagine it; you ride on the bus for countless hours to s strange land and first thing that happens when you get off is you get beat to a pulp by two guys with baseball bats.  Bloody, bruised and sore, you then have to go to the police station and try to communicate with the police what just happened…and also have a stranger come in and try to bribe you to drop charges.  There is no doubt this poor guy had been through the ringer and was dead tired.  The robbers took his bags and rifled through his wallet, so he was left with nothing but a beaten body.  Returning back to the bus station, he had no idea what to do next.  Exhausted, he sat quietly and drifted off to sleep.   He was unaware and had no idea of the time frame, but while he had dosed off asleep, two men came in to the bus station and searched for him.  When they found their mark, they began taking photos of him.  Obviously, these guys were not doing this for curiosity, but these images would quickly be dispersed to some rough characters that would see to it that this lowly gringo who insisted on pressing charges would be done away with.  As the two men finished their photos and left, a thoughtful and concerned passenger in waiting nudged the stranger and told him to wake.  They relayed the instance of what just happened and told him to leave immediately, or else.  Obviously, the beaten foreigner knew what would happen if he stayed any longer.  With no bags or anymore belongings, he grabs the first bus out of there.  Guess where he lands?

Like I said, any guy who walks around in camouflage shorts and flip flops and matching headband must have a few screws loose.  After the story was told to me about this guy, I soon understood why, and yes, my heart felt for the guy.  What does one do after fighting crazed Arabs in the dusty Middle East and then coming here and as soon as your feet touch the ground you get a thorough ass kicking by two crazed Mexicans with baseball bats?  Anyone would suffer from a few screws getting knocked loose after that. 

So here he is, trying to start a new.  I now know a bit more about that guy, and have a bit of reverence for him.  Who knows, maybe he is just a loose canon who deserved getting the living daylights beat out of him-maybe not, who knows?  I can at least understand some of his kooky behavior a bit better, even though I question a bad case of shell shock being the cause of asking out every single girl you see in hopes that a single one says yes.
In his defense, how many young guys today will carry a stranger’s groceries for them?  Better yet, how many punks these days know that when walking with a woman, you take the outside of the sidewalk?  Not many.  Perhaps that guy isn’t such a bad apple after all.  I know that I will end up talking to him sooner than later, and then I will know if my pre-judged opinion was right, or if I totally missed the mark.