Monday, June 20, 2011

Photo Blog Added!

Sometimes pictures can tell a story all of their own.  I try to include simple 'snapshots' with most of my entries here, but some are not part of a story or perhaps, they are their own story.

I have added a link to a project I am working on, "From the Hip".  If you like photographs, and would like to see Mexico the way I do, please take a look.

I think the project is important because the shots are spontaneous, and shot with a simple digital camera.  No frills, no posing, no tricks.  The shots were as they happened and as I saw them.  They are not necessarily things of beauty nor portraits. These are images I saw that struck I pulled and shot.

If you do take time to  look them over, please feel free to leave honest feedback.  Any comments are appreciated, as well as constructive criticism...and I will update periodically.

I hope you enjoy them!  Click on the image/link to go to site.

From The Hip

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