Thursday, March 15, 2012

Drunks & Toothless Canadians (pt.1)

Back amongst the greyhairs, one has to be on their guard.  At times, this can prove difficult, especially when tired and hungry.  One of the few places we know and trust here is out of pizza (?!), so we have to forge on to a secondary choice which we had received a second nod of approval on just earlier this very evening.  As we do our about face, I am muttering not such nice words while walking down the cobble stone street. “Mandingo?  What kind of pizza could possibly be served up in a place called ‘Mandingos’?”  In a country where nearly anything goes, it is obvious that this applies to any sort of business too.  No thought in correlating names and goods, just call it something and serve something.

We walk in to Mandingos into an open courtyard with only two couples occupying a few of the tables.  It is quiet, and from the looks of it, terribly slow (or, unpopular).  We stand and look around and aside form the four patrons visible, there does not appear to actually be anyone working in this place.  My patience is already threadbare, so I walk over to peer inside the kitchen. Nothing but dirty pizza pans.  I walk back and tell Tonya that I don’t see anyone.

“Hey!  Come sit with us!  Have some pizza,” a voice says from a dark corner.  We look to the table of two grey hairs and their pizzas; one is raising their hand as if we were trying to spot them amongst a huge crowd.  I smile one of those polite, forced grins and give a gesture of ‘thanks but no thanks’.  “Here, have some pizza!” the voice bellows out.  Now, instead of a waving hand it is a hand held high with a piece of artichoke and olive pizza. “We won’t eat all of this.  You two come site with us!”  I shoot the death ray glare to Tonya, but she brushes it off and smiles and happily approaches the table of older women, and like a seal trained to fetch a cold fish, she reaches out for the piece of pizza and pulls up a chair.  Now we are in for it.  I put another forced smile on my face and pull up a chair.  Me?  I get lucky and sit next to the drunk one who is pushy and obnoxious.

The woman to my left is drunk.  She can barely keep her head out of her hands, except for when she is trying to hand us pizza. “Here, I won’t eat it all…you have some”.  The constant offering of artichoke pizza is getting on my nerves.  I decline once again, politely. The woman opposite me has a head full of springy, flowing grey hair and a big smile. “It’s so nice to see someone here without grey hair” and she laughs nudging the other drunk who bobs her head in accordance. “Hi!  It’s nice to meet you, what are y’alls names?” She says with a smile.  I turn my attention to the springy haired woman with manly hands and start in on an introduction.

“Have a piece of pizza” the drunken lady says, putting a piece right in front of me.  I decline again. ‘No thank you.  I am going to order a fresh one for myself.  Thank you though.” 

“Why won’t you eat my pizza?” she says annoyed.  Her eyes are barely open, and I don’t even understand how she can see me. “I don’t like olives…and I don’t like artichokes, that’s why”

“Why don’t you like artichokes?” she says.  She points at the artichokes and then her head wobbles to the side, “Look you can take off the olives…” and she starts to remove them.  I want this to end, so I grab the piece from her to save those fingers from going all over this thing and then being handed to me.  I will save us both the agony, I will sacrifice and I will eat a piece of the drunk’s pizza.  I smile and take a bite.  “Is the service always this sh*tty here or is it just a bad night?” I ask without hesitation.

“Oh…you have not ordered yet?” asks the drunk.  Suddenly she looks around, and then clumsily pushes her chair out, “Oh, that is horrible.  I will get someone here so you can order” and she gets up and wonders around the courtyard and peeps into the kitchen.  As she totters around the courtyard, a lanky man comes walking out and I wave at him, and ask for a menu.  It will still be a few minutes before he makes it over.  In the meantime, we continue on with our polite introductions and brief tale of how we ended up here.

As one would have guessed, the springy haired lady with the man hands is an ‘artist’.  Likewise, the drunk is an artist.  She says she has taught art for over 25 years.  I hope she did so in a sober state.  Perhaps it was all this art talk which actually drove her to drink.  The springy haired lady does a good job at trying to keep the drunk in line.  She corrects her, she reminds her and she politely chides her.  She keeps smiling at Tonya and me, as if to say ‘You know I have my hands full’.  Our smiles back let her know we understand the chore she is undertaking.  The waiter shows up and hands us two small laminated menus.  He quickly disappears.  I fret that this may be an all-nighter trying to get some dinner and getting sucked into a drunken folly with these ladies.  I make up my mind in moments as to what I want.  Now if the waiter would ever return…

As we are chatting about life here, the slender waiter returns. “He’s from South Africa!” the drunk with the bobbling head proclaims.  I smile.  I don’t like South Africans.  If he truly is from there, his crappy service is yet another reason to add to my ongoing list of why I dislike South Africans.  Tonya and I order immediately.  I don’t want any more time wasted.  ‘I’m sorry, but we are out of wine.  We only have beers, would you like a beer?”  He asks politely.  Odd.  He doesn’t sound like a South African.  “Ok, sure” and Tonya agrees as well.  He’s off and we are back to dealing with the drunk.  A young hot thing walks passed the table.  She’s braless, she has long slender legs and the cool night air works wonders with her choice of dress.  She too, appears to have been boozing, as she trips back towards our table, “Do you know where the restroom is?” she asks.  The drunk flings her arm back and burps out, “There-behind you!”  She points the girl to the men’s room. “You just pointed her to the wrong restroom” I say to the drunk. “Wha…?  I showed her the restroom…”she slurs back.  No need to get into semantics.  I smile and try to pay attention to the springy haired lady and her conversation. She obviously took notice of the young hot thing too, and says, “Isn’t it nice when women are at that age when they realize the power they have with their bodies and flaunts it to their advantage?  Did you see her long, sexy legs? Wow, she was in full control” Perhaps, but she just locked herself in the men’s room thanks to the misleading drunk.

The other couple at the table beside us gets up and starts to leave. “Good night!  Ya’ll have a great evening!” yells out the drunk next to me.  Yes, this lady with the small chubby face and slits for eyes sitting next to me is truly annoying.  I think that couple thought the same, as they grimaced as they glanced back to the drunken hostess and said not a single word.  The old man just stands and pulls out a small flashlight and shines it on the check.

The pizza arrives!  It looks great.  Goat’s cheese, cherry tomatoes and arugula on a nice thick round wooden platter.  The waiter sets it down in front of me.  I am hungry and can’t wait to eat.  Tonya gets a ‘salad’ which is a ring of tomatoes and some orange chunks on top of it, and a few pieces of basil.  “What’s that?” I ask.  She replies back the fancy name the salad has been given. “No, what’s that?” I say pointing to the orange squares on the tomatoes. “Mango”. “Does mango go with tomato and basil?”  Her salad looks like a disaster.  Taking a bite of my pizza, I realize that I made a great call.  For a joint called ‘Mandingos’’, it is surprisingly good pizza.  The waiter suddenly materializes out of thin air at my side.  He’s holding a wine bottle in his hands and two champagne glasses. “I know I told you we were out of wine, but I just found this fantastic Malbec which I think you will like very much. Would you like to try?  It will be nice with your dinner.  You do not have to take the wine now if you do not want it, you can still have the beer” he says.  I look at Tonya and she immediately says, ‘Yes, the wine is fine”. “I know you will like it” he reassures us as he pours it into the wrong glasses.  I take a sip and it tastes good.  I just wonder how much he will hit us up for this suddenly uncovered gem when it comes time to pay. I shant be a party pooper, so I keep my mouth shut and get on with my pizza eating. be continued

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