Friday, July 23, 2010

The Zoo (Out With The Kid)

Alexandra came to visit again.  This time we were able to actually do some things, rather than be consumed with house matters and traipsing around town to tie up Mexican bureaucracy.  Two things were on the ‘to-do’ list, the Zoo and Mummies.

Now I heard so much about the Zoo from Tonya and Alexandra, that I had high hopes.  Contrary to the previous paragraph, we actually caught the Zoo after tying up Mexican bureaucracy.  Tonya wanted to see the pandas.  She talks about them like they were her best friends.  Not too sure what it was Alexandra wanted to see, she muttered something about gorillas and big cats.  There were posters advertising the Zoo’s amazing serpent exhibit…wow!  Who doesn’t like staring at vipers form behind glass?  Let’s do it!

Wait.  With Alexandra in tow we have to stop.  Some over dramatizing can mean one of two things.  Either she is having a nicotine fit (really…at such a young age?) or just wants to look tough smoking, OR she wants to eat.  It is the latter.  She wants McDonalds.  First thing in the zoo and we have to sit while a chicken sandwich is consumed.

Things had changed a bit at the Zoo.  I am new here, so I would have never noticed.  However, Tonya and Alexandra were discussing how this was different and that was gone.  We chose a path and started on it.  I suppose I should say I am not a kid anymore.  I love animals, but hanging out in a Zoo is not necessarily my idea of fun.  I don’t like smelling exotic pooh and hay mixed together in the heat of midday.  

Why is the water always dirty and odd colors?

What has happened to the animals where now there is just an empty lot or cubicle?

Wolves.  I do not recall seeing wolves at my local Zoo or any others I had been to.  The hippos sat with his head under water…boring.  Giraffes are always interesting, so are Ostriches…those are some odd creatures.  Alexandra made a comment about the ‘dogs’ in a zoo.  I see what she meant, an area with a few Mexican hairless dogs running around.  Even other tourists were muttering about why this was in need of showing off.  I agree. So what!  The white rhino was a bit of a treat.  He looked very ‘prehistoric’ for lack of a better term.  He had two horns, one normal and one looked like an overgrown tree trunk. Birds.  Hmmm…I see them everyday, and was not too impressed.  I was a bit intrigued by a polar bear in Mexico City.  That seems a bit odd.  I suppose one could argue that pandas are an odd accessory here too. True.

The serpent exhibit was lame.  We have a better one at home.  The posters made it look hair-raising and something to tell the grand kids about one day.  Same ol’ same ol’ though.

Penguins in Mexico seem out of place to me too.  However, I do understand there are more ‘tropical’ type penguins out there.  To my dismay, the penguins were nowhere to be seen.  Everyone just stood there staring at their blank and empty playground.  Following the steps below the exhibit made for a brief smile.  A kooky sea lion was doing its rounds underwater.  He was definitely acting for the tourists as he wove in and out of the tunnels and underwater archways. Each time he would pass in front of the glass viewing area, he would face the crowd, fold his flippers in front of him and pass by with a smug and confident look on his face.  It is funny how you can see animals’ expressions.

Now seeing the orangutans was interesting.  They were hamming it up for the folks.  One was holding a frayed bag on its head while staring at the onlookers and mimicking kids.  No matter what he did, he kept one hand on his head, holding the old bag. 

Leopards are cool.  There were a few on display here, and we are lucky enough to stare at one up close as he lies out on a log to relax.  Ooh, and some exotic black leopard too.  Man, they have huge paws.  Yes, graceful and wonderful creatures.  There are many ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ as people see the big cats so close.

I am not some bleeding heart who is against zoos and scream this is all animal cruelty.  I understand their purpose and appreciate their purpose.  I mean, c’mon, I am in Mexico City and I get to see a real live panda!  Think of the airfare and hotel costs it would have been to go all the way to China!  So, good for the Mexican kids who get to see apes with bags on their heads and hairless dogs and goofy grey birds.  I am glad to have seen some of these wondrous creatures, and can vouch that it is a better zoo than Warsaw’s.  Alexandra has to smoke…we gotta go!

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